Software Engineer job search in Singapore 2024

Global economic downturns, opportunities dried up, amidst these troubling times I shared the same fate as many others. Laid off during the 2nd round after 3 wonderful years at Ninja Van with Driver team, I was on a work visa timer, searching for a new spot in Singapore during Fall of 2024. This blog post provide a summary of my searching and interviewing experiences for Backend Software Engineer roles after around 150 applications, 96% rejection rate, 30 technical rounds, 5 final rounds and 2 offers.

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Implementing Redis replication backlog

Working on the database project Keva has given me the chance to learn and experience on many new things. When learning about the replication feature. One small part of process called partial synchronization required the master node to give the slave nodes the chunks of write commands starting from a specific offset. This means the master node need a data structure to store those write command and that data must be easily copied and send to the slave node.

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